
Easy ways to cut your electric bill

By Amy Patterson

Without fail, my electric bill is always way more in the summer months than it is in the winter months. Why is this? Well, generally – with the exception of brutally harsh winters – people spend more on air conditioning than they do on heating. But that can be avoided. Here are some simple tips that can save you a ton of money on your electric bill this summer:Easy_Electric-01

  • Hang your clothes outside to dry – Take advantage of the warm weather and skip the dryer. It’s pretty easy and cheap to string up a DIY clothesline outside.


  • Open your windows and use fans whenever possible – Skipping on the air conditioner and using ceiling fans to circulate air from outside will cut your electric bill big time.


  • Use dark colored curtains – Dark colored curtains will keep the sun light (and heat) out of your home on days that it’s too hot to forgo the air conditioner.


  • Use natural light – During the summer, it stays light out a lot longer, so don’t take it for granted. Throw open those shades and flip off the lights – utilize the natural sunlight while you can. 


Tags: Green Living, Homeowners, Money, Summer