
Man’s Best Neighbor

By Morgan Saylor

You’ve just moved into your new home and you’re excited to make friends with the new neighbors! It’s important to make a good impression in your new neighborhood, but perhaps your pup and pal for life has some undesirable and - more importantly - un-neighborly behaviors.

Zillow Porchlight’s Sandy Robbins suggests signing up your dog for American Kennel Club’s Canine Good Citizen (CGC) program.

According to the article, the training program is for dogs of all ages and breeds, pure or otherwise – and the variety of skills they learn will make them a welcome friend in any neighborhood.

  • Petting tolerance & sitting
  • Walking on a lead
  • Passing through a crowd
  • Following “sit” and “down” commands
  • Being nice to other dogs
  • And more politeness’s and pleasantries, check out Zillow’s blogs

    Robbins writes that it’s a good idea to, as a pet owner, work to soothe your yappy or barking dogs if they suffer from separation anxiety – arrange for your dog to have toys and things he likes while you’re away.


Tags: Neighborhood, Moving, new home, friendly, dogs, pets