
Moving Day Made Easy

By Morgan Saylor

So you’ve closed (or are closing) on your dream home and you can almost feel the jingle of the keys in between your fingers. But one thing you should probably aim to tackle before you get too excited – moving day.

Moving is stressful and can (and probably should) take a couple of weeks in planning. The first step to any successful move is to de-clutter. Because, after all, there’s no point in inventorying, packing, and moving an item or furniture piece you can live without.

Trulia has designed a flowchart to help you declutter before moving all that unnecessary junk into your new home.

For those who struggle to part with “stuff”, check out this chart and ask yourself these questions:


Image via Trulia

Need more on moving? Check out our moving day checklist, to help you conquer moving day!



Tags: organize, Moving, declutter, checklist