
Resolve To Make Healthier Decisions

By Kimberly Shane
Resolve to Make Healthier Decisions
Resolve to make healthy decisions blog.jpg“A New Year, A New You” “365 New Chances” “A New Year is the Beginning of Anything You Want” When I looked up quotes about a new year these are a few I found. They all center around possibility and positive change. For one, I’m not big on new year’s resolutions because I know for me, if it is really something I want to change about myself then why wait until January 1st to start? But for the rest of the world I know they are out setting goals for 2018! The most common one each year has to be to get healthier. Stop eating so many processed foods, lose weight, exercise... it can be overwhelming but this one might be the most rewarding because by being healthier, you will feel better, have more energy and likely, down the road will not have to spend as much on medical bills. Win. Win. Win! I encourage everyone to stick with this resolution but what about other healthy decisions, like cleaning our homes and what cleaning products we use?
With cleaning products having words like “harmful”, “damaging”,  “flammable”, and “toxic” on the labels; it has us thinking, “how could cleaning with these be a good thing…”. You aren’t the only one thinking that! In fact, natural products and green cleaning options are flooding the market to keep our homes clean and families (pets included) safe! There are so many options for these products and even DIY cleaners you can make from household items such as vinegar and baking soda. But for today, lets, with the help of an article on the Spruce, see why using green cleaning efforts are a benefit!
They can benefit our health and that of our family. Not only will you have the comfort of knowing that what you are using won’t harm you, your family or pets but according to the Spruce, “Symptoms such as coughing, sneezing, skin rashes, headaches, and more may “mysteriously” disappear once you stop using toxic cleaning chemicals. Considering many of the hazardous chemicals in conventional products are often carcinogens, neurotoxins, mutagens, teratogens, or endocrine disrupters, it is definitely worth ditching them in favor of natural green cleaning products.” The same article goes onto tell us that we could have a higher level of pollutants inside our home than outside due to Volatile Organic Compounds or VOCs. These have been linked to liver damage as well as damage to the nervous system.
By electing to use a green cleaning system you are not only protecting the health of those inside your home but are also making steps to protect the environment. Not only are you choosing to use products that are naturally derived, safe and contain biodegradable ingredients but you are also not using products that adversely affect the earth’s eco-system—ones that are toxic, hazardous and non-biodegradable. Not only are benefiting the environment and your family but you could actually make a positive impact on your bank account! When you make your own household cleaners you can save tons of money, compared to the cost of conventional cleaners sold in stores. The Spruce recommends purchasing a eco-friendly all-purpose cleaner that can do multiple jobs. This will keep you from having to buy multiple products. On the plus side, because green cleaning is becoming so popular, the companies making these products are trying to stay competitively priced and often offer coupons to try out their products. Hey, it’s at least worth doing a price comparison to the usual products you use!
Wanting to take care of our families is nothing new but as this world becomes more complicated it can seem to be a bigger task as the years go by. One thing we can do to help is by helping you secure a home for them. In fact, we say, “find your home, we’ll take care of the rest”. We mean it too! At Stockton Mortgage we are committed to making the homebuying process something that is manageable. We understand it can be overwhelming but that’s why we have people who can help navigate you through it! Visit us on to find out more about what we offer!

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