
Tech Color Trends

By Morgan Saylor

The smart home era is upon us, and along with the trendiness of the tech is the color of the devices themselves – which are now trending white.

We've written a great deal about home automation and other home tech appliances and devices that are popular right now, with things like thermostats that learn your heating and cooling behaviors (not to mention, save you money and conserve energy) and a fridge that will tell your phone when you're low on milk.

While everyone agrees, all these gadgets are super cool, not to mention handy in their functionality - the look techy home automation gadgets are also rapidly evolving.’s Judy Dutton writes, “Google Home’s predecessor and main competitor, Amazon Echo – traditionally sold only in black – came out in a white option in September. Ditto for Amazon’s second-generation Echo Dot. Google and Amazon aren’t the only tech giants who’ve jumped on the white bandwagon, either. Just Tuesday, Sonos unveiled on Instagram a white version of its SUB subwoofer, which had been available only in black since 2012”.

The move to white comes after a couple of decades of predominantly black devices, which The Verge explains, “Our living room gadgets are finally moving away from the mustachioed bachelor-pad look favored by classic rock-lovin’ playboys to something far more modern”.

The elephant in the room – the black plastic living room TV – is likely to remain dark, although Panasonic has a prototype that is semi-transparent when turned off, which you have to see to believe.

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Tags: Home, Color, Trendy, tech, technology, trends, home automation