A blog that takes you from: HOUSE TO HOME

We help people buy houses so they can create a home. Here we share more than mortgage finance tips (although we do that too); we aim to help you make your house a home through DIY projects, pet care, hosting tips, yard maintenance and much more!

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Sitting under my gazebo on the first warm, spring day in our semi-new home (we closed last fall, so this is our first spring in...

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Tags: Green Living, Green Thumb, Go Green,

By Morgan Saylor On February 24, 2017

3 R’s of a Green Home

What are the three R’s of a green home? Reduce, reuse, and remodel!

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Tags: Green Living, Go Green, eco-friendly,

By Morgan Saylor On November 8, 2016

What is an Agrihood?

As described by Trulia blogger Michelle Hainer, an “Agrihood” are a distant cousin of the golf club communities that originated...

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Tags: Green Living, Home, Community,

By Morgan Saylor On September 26, 2016

All About Succulents

There’s nothing to not like about a succulent. Succulents are plants that are made for people who don’t have a green thumb, but...

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Tags: Green Living, Green Thumb, Plants,

There are a few ways to combat pests naturally, without sacrificing the plants you’ve worked so lovingly to nurture and grow!...

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Tags: Green Living, Gardening, Garden,

By Morgan Saylor On June 17, 2016

ECO: Water Waste

The question occurs to you now and again: am I wasting too much water? The supply of clean, usable water is decreasing faster...

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Tags: Green Living, Go Green, water,