

By Amy Patterson

From patterned walls to patterned furniture….to patterned accent pieces – you can’t go wrong with a little pattern in your life – and in your home. But how do you mix all of these things together? What patterns work well together and what patterns should you never put in the same room?

Well, there is definitely a right and wrong way to mix different patterns – but a lot of it depends on your style and the look you’re going for. If you’re going for a BOHO look, you can pretty much get away with anything.

Photo via: Andrea's Notebook

Photo via: Andrea's Notebook

If you’re not quite ready to go that wild…try pairing a patterned accent wall with just a few pieces of patterned furniture or décor.

Photo via: Pinterest

Photo via: Pinterest

Photo via: Pinterest

The key to mixing patterns is simple…they don’t have to match; they just have to go together. A good tip is to make sure the colors of your separate pieces work together, and then the patterns are more likely to work. It’s also great {unless you’re into boho} to stick to patterns that are simple and one or two colors.

Tags: DIY, Design, Home, Homeowners, Interior Design, Decor, Decorate, Trendy, Home Decor