A blog that takes you from: HOUSE TO HOME

We help people buy houses so they can create a home. Here we share more than mortgage finance tips (although we do that too); we aim to help you make your house a home through DIY projects, pet care, hosting tips, yard maintenance and much more!

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Without fail, my electric bill is always way more in the summer months than it is in the winter months. Why is this? Well,...

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Tags: Green Living, Homeowners, Money,

Popcorn is great. It’s an American staple, and frankly, movies aren’t the same without it. However, its related nemesis does not...

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Tags: DIY, Design, Home,

If you’ve been thinking about purchasing a home, now is the time to make the jump – the Federal Reserve is discussing the...

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Tags: Insider, Mortgage, Home Loans,

There are many ways that you can protect yourself from identity theft, but two of the easiest ways are to securely dispose of and...

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Tags: Finances, Credit, Security,

For many first time home buyers, some of the biggest questions about buying their first home, revolve around how much their...

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Tags: Mortgage, Finances, First Time Home Buyers,

For individuals without any credit, securing a mortgage loan can be nearly impossible. Most of us know that a mortgage approval...

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Tags: Finances, Credit Report, Credit,