A blog that takes you from: HOUSE TO HOME

We help people buy houses so they can create a home. Here we share more than mortgage finance tips (although we do that too); we aim to help you make your house a home through DIY projects, pet care, hosting tips, yard maintenance and much more!

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By Morgan Saylor On December 13, 2016

Anti-Snow Hacks

As a snow-climate dweller and homeowner, snow may be your mortal enemy.

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By Morgan Saylor On December 12, 2016

Hurried Homebuying

Buying a home can be a whole lot of hurry-up and wait.

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Tags: homebuying, homebuyer, checklist

By Morgan Saylor On December 9, 2016

DIY Abstract Wall Art

Nurture your love for painting, and rope your family into joining in as well with this DIY abstract wall art painting project!

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Tags: DIY, Fun, Easy,

By Morgan Saylor On December 8, 2016

Don’t-Miss Tax Breaks

It may be a bit soon in your book to start talking about taxes - but each year, some tax breaks for home buyers and sellers...

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Tags: PMI, tax, tax return,

To list, or not to list? That is the question.

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Tags: Zillow, holiday, Holidays,

By Morgan Saylor On December 6, 2016

New Year Design Forecast

With 2016 basically spent, all eyes are on 2017 as we wait with bated breath for the new year to reveal the air of style that...

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Tags: Interior Design, Style, interior decor,