A blog that takes you from: HOUSE TO HOME

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Prepare to Buy: Credit Readiness

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Tags: Credit Report, Credit, Home Buyer,

Why is my Credit Karma score different?

It is likely that you have seen the hilarious advertisements for Credit Karma; like the...

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Tags: Credit Report, Credit, credit score

Credit is an essential part of the economy. Without credit, lenders would have no scale by which to create lending standards that...

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Tags: First Time Home Buyers, Credit Report, Credit,

By Kimberly Shane On June 12, 2017

Give Us Some Credit!

Give us Some Credit

When you start considering purchasing high priced items, your credit score can make you feel better about...

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Tags: Credit Report, Credit, Home Buyer,

Buying a home you can grow into, versus something that fits you now, is smart planning.

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Tags: Credit Report, Credit, Savings,

By Morgan Saylor On December 5, 2016

No Credit v Bad Credit

If you’re preparing to buy a house, you’re probably taking a good, long look at your credit history – or perhaps lack thereof.

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Tags: Credit Report, Credit, help,