A blog that takes you from: HOUSE TO HOME

We help people buy houses so they can create a home. Here we share more than mortgage finance tips (although we do that too); we aim to help you make your house a home through DIY projects, pet care, hosting tips, yard maintenance and much more!

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By Kimberly Shane On April 5, 2018

Granny Pods

Granny Pods
In the next 10 years, America’s elderly population is said to double. And as you would expect, many of our aging...

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Tags: health, Home Living

Resolve to Make Healthier Decisions
“A New Year, A New You” “365 New Chances” “A New Year is the Beginning of Anything You...

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Tags: health

By Kimberly Shane On May 30, 2017

Water Safety

Water Safety

Sure, you change your air filter. Heck! Air filters, for our cars, have been added to the check list for most of our...

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Tags: Filters, water, health,

Smell the Roses, Kind of…

Spring time allergies can dampen your outdoor fun. Did you know that there are plants that exist which...

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Tags: Gardening, Garden, health