A blog that takes you from: HOUSE TO HOME

We help people buy houses so they can create a home. Here we share more than mortgage finance tips (although we do that too); we aim to help you make your house a home through DIY projects, pet care, hosting tips, yard maintenance and much more!

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Not to be confused with the appraisal, a home inspection is an advised and optional item you might want to check off your list...

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Tags: homebuying, home inspection, homeownership,

Where some see the potential to save big on a piece of property, others may see a potential money pit. The reason is simple –...

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Tags: Foreclosure, homebuying, home buying,

For most Americans, buying a home is one of the largest investments they’ll make in their lifetime. You want to make sure your...

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Tags: homebuying, home inspection

One concern of many first time home buyers is saving money for a down payment. Saving, after all, can be difficult to do when...

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Tags: First Time Home Buyers, Savings, Home Buyer,

By Morgan Saylor On June 6, 2016

All About Co-Signers

If you’re considering buying a home but don’t know if your application with your info alone is strong enough – you might be...

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Tags: Home Loans, homebuying, co-signer,

Buying a house is a huge investment, which is why you might consider having any potential purchase inspected by a professional....

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Tags: Pool, homebuying, exterior,