A blog that takes you from: HOUSE TO HOME

We help people buy houses so they can create a home. Here we share more than mortgage finance tips (although we do that too); we aim to help you make your house a home through DIY projects, pet care, hosting tips, yard maintenance and much more!

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According to a recent index report by the National Association of Home Builders, more markets have returned to normal, yielding...

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Tags: Mortgage, Finances, Rates,

Mortgages are becoming easier to secure – as indicated by recent data by the Mortgage Bankers Association; their index on...

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Tags: Mortgage, Home, Credit,

1. Proof of income

  • You will need pay stubs (showing at least 30 days)
  • If you have recently started a new job, your mortgage...

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Tags: Mortgage, Finances, Rates,

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) is working to locate approximately 248,000 home owners who are owed...

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Tags: Insider, Mortgage, Finances,

There is a lot of buzz about why you should or shouldn’t get a mortgage. But which opinion do you side with? Here are five...

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Tags: DIY, Mortgage, First Time Home Buyers,

Last week, a state lawmaker withdrew one of his own bills after a harsh response from critics.

The foreclosure bill, House Bill...

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Tags: Insider, Loans, Mortgage,