
Now is the Time to Move!

By Rick Koenig

Now is the Time to Move!

BSMC1920DO YOUR DUE DILLIGENCE. I.E. How does this company add to my existing business?

The weather looks as if we’ve missed the winter, but I know we’re going to pay for the good weather.

Now is the best time to move before the purchase market heats up for 2020. Making a move now ensures you’re settled and ready for the buying season.

I’ve written numerous times in my blogs over the years I’ve seen a statistic that says 85% LO’s make a change to the first company they look at. Most of the 85% don’t even look at a second company. Why would you do that when you’re making a career decision? If you’re just looking to change fine, but if you’re making a career decision, take the time and compare multiple companies. Top producing loan officers don’t always shop. They jump to the newest, biggest company who is making the most noise. In fact, sometimes they move to a company worse than the one which they left. In fact, many just make a lateral jump that is almost as bad or worse due to lost revenue, lost opportunity costs and a damaged reputation causing confusion among your business partners.

Capacity: Ask current branches what effects a new branch has on their service levels when on boarded. I’ve heard of companies wanting to double their business this year. How can any company tell you they want to double production and still delivery quality service to existing branches?

How do you verify capacity? Call our branches; they’ll tell you if they’re happy, and we don’t coach them or limit who you should talk to. If our branches aren’t happy with the service we’re giving them, they won’t want you around to make it worse and they’ll tell you so.

Bigger, Fastest Growing and other titles don’t always reflect best fit: With all the social media surrounding companies with tremendous growth over the past few years, what you don’t see or hear is if they are able to stay in touch with their people and continue being what made them special when they were smaller. At Stockton, you can still reach our ownership directly.

Good luck in your search. If you would like to discuss any elements of this article with me, email or go to our website and start call our branches first. OR call me to start your Career Decision Process.

Rick Koenig - 513-382-5861 

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