
Getting Rid of Creepy Crawlies

By Kimberly Shane

Getting Rid of Creepy Crawlies

getting rid of creepy crawlies blog-01.jpgLook, I know, lots of bugs can benefit us through their existence. It’s the same with kale but that doesn’t mean I must like it. I’m not saying that I want to kill all the bugs but I am saying that I would like them to live where we will both be most comfortable—out of my home. There are enough reasons to yell “EEK!” this time of year that I don’t need spiders swooping down on their invisible butt ropes to frighten me as well. You can imagine my relief when I found an infographic on that guides me on a way to humanely spider proof my home. So, put away your flame throwers, bug bombs and machetes, we are going to reclaim our nooks and crannies without any warfare!

Did you know that perhaps we have unknowingly made spiders feel welcome in our spaces? Here are some simple spider preventions that help remove that invitation. First, use a natural deterrent. One option is peppermint spray (mix ½ a pint of water with 10 drops of peppermint essential oil) and another is vinegar spray (combine equal parts water and vinegar); once you pick your “non-poison, poison” spray the mixture at corners and entry points. A second option is to take away spider shelters. They like to find safe places to get comfortable; behind furniture, in dusty corners, make sure that you move your furniture out when you vacuum and, on top of that, be sure you are thoroughly and frequently vacuuming.

Here comes a bit about why spiders are helpful creatures. They eat flies, moths, termites and beetles which I’m sure you do not want in your home either; the good news? If you limit the food source for these other bugs and they move out then you are limiting the food source for spiders. Clean up your crumbs that could attract other pests and swap out cardboard storage containers for plastic ones. There are tons of other tips on the site I mentioned earlier, tips on how to keep them from entering your home in the first place. I highly recommend that you check out the infographic for quick takeaways on reclaiming your home from the creepy crawlies; the link is included below.

Within each home exists laughs, endearing moments, important discussions, memories that last a lifetime… and, now, hopefully fewer spiders. Allow us to help you achieve your dreams of homeownership for your family. Give us a call today (888) 914-2276.

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Tags: Home Maintenance, bugs