A blog that takes you from: HOUSE TO HOME

We help people buy houses so they can create a home. Here we share more than mortgage finance tips (although we do that too); we aim to help you make your house a home through DIY projects, pet care, hosting tips, yard maintenance and much more!

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By Morgan Saylor On June 24, 2016

Key Saver Hack

We’ve all been there – locked outside of our homes, peering in through windows, peeking through blinds, hoping for some magic...

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Tags: DIY, Home, safety,

Once the subject of sci-fi movies, smart features in homes are a thing of now. A few days ago we highlighted some cool new tech...

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Tags: Home, tech, technology,

By Morgan Saylor On June 8, 2016

Home Repair Costs

Now that you’re officially a homeowner and your victory dance is done, you’re tasked with keeping your home in good shape.

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Tags: Rates, First Time Home Buyers, Home,

One of our favorite tricks when it comes to being eco-friendly is using vinegar. If you’re a home owner and you don’t have a...

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Tags: DIY, Home, Homemade,

Always on the lookout for ways to create a more sustainable environment for ourselves and the future, here are a few hacks for...

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Tags: Home, tips, eco-friendly,

By Morgan Saylor On May 20, 2016

ECO Home Tech

It’s an exciting time to be a tech-junkie and also aware of your environment.

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Tags: Green Living, Home, Go Green,