A blog that takes you from: HOUSE TO HOME

We help people buy houses so they can create a home. Here we share more than mortgage finance tips (although we do that too); we aim to help you make your house a home through DIY projects, pet care, hosting tips, yard maintenance and much more!

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By Morgan Saylor On October 3, 2016

Hang This, Not That

Pictures are okay, but there are only so many ways you can arrange baby pics, wedding montages, and family fandangos on your...

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Tags: Decor, Decorate, Wall art,

By Morgan Saylor On September 15, 2016


Whether you’re creating an interest wall or a faux-wallpaper effect, stenciling might be the way to go for you. The possibilities...

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Tags: Design, Interior Design, Wall art,

Like many other home trends (shag carpet and lava lamps, to name a few) wood paneling might still be part of your present-day...

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Tags: DIY, paint, how-to,

Whether you just want an accent wall or you are going for a lofty-look through your entire living room, you can have the vintage...

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Tags: DIY, Design, Interior Design,