A blog that takes you from: HOUSE TO HOME

We help people buy houses so they can create a home. Here we share more than mortgage finance tips (although we do that too); we aim to help you make your house a home through DIY projects, pet care, hosting tips, yard maintenance and much more!

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Credit is an essential part of the economy. Without credit, lenders would have no scale by which to create lending standards that...

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Tags: First Time Home Buyers, Credit Report, Credit,

You have closed on the purchase of your home. You have moved all your belongings into the new house. You are sifting through the...

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Tags: Buying, loan types, home buying,

By Kimberly Shane On November 16, 2018

Pet Friendly Home Buyer

When shopping for a new home you take everyone in your family into consideration—hence the need to have multiple bathrooms. Many...

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Tags: First Time Home Buyers, Home Buyer, Sellers,

There is a lot that goes into the purchase of a home. While it is incredibly exciting; it is not likely something that you will...

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Tags: First Time Home Buyers, Home Buyer, Buying,

Online shopping is on the rise and that goes for houses too! You can even get alerts that tell you when a house that matches your...

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Tags: Realtor, real estate agent, Buying,