A blog that takes you from: HOUSE TO HOME

We help people buy houses so they can create a home. Here we share more than mortgage finance tips (although we do that too); we aim to help you make your house a home through DIY projects, pet care, hosting tips, yard maintenance and much more!

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By Morgan Saylor On August 26, 2016

Moving Day Made Easy

So you’ve closed (or are closing) on your dream home and you can almost feel the jingle of the keys in between your fingers. But...

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Tags: organize, Moving, declutter,

Whether you’re renovating your home or moving from one home to another and have need for storing your belongings in the interim,...

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Tags: Moving, how-to, renovation,

By Morgan Saylor On August 4, 2016

Toddler Moving Tips

Moving is never easy, but throw a toddler or two in the mix, and it can present a bit more of a challenge!

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Tags: Packing, Moving, tips,

As if moving isn’t stressful enough, know that moving can make you vulnerable to identity theft if you don’t take measures to...

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Tags: Identity Theft, safety, Moving,

By Morgan Saylor On March 28, 2016

Downsizing How-to

It goes without saying that moving is stressful. Moving from a larger home to a smaller home can be even more stressful. Sure,...

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Tags: organize, Moving, downsizing,

Buying a new home in a new neighborhood is fun – but moving is not so fun. I know few individuals who revel in the joys of...

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Tags: First Time Home Buyers, Home, Homeowners,