
Zero Interest: What does it mean?

By Kimberly Shane

Zero interest blog graphic V1 2020-01 (1) (1)Zero Interest: What does it mean?

You’ve probably heard about the Fed slashing interest rates to a rate of near-zero. It sounds great – but what does it mean for you and your home loan?

Does it mean you can get a mortgage or refinance your current mortgage with an interest rate of zero? No, it doesn’t. But it’s still good news for you, the consumer.

First of all, “the Fed” is in reference to the Federal Reserve. The role of the Federal Reserve, among other things, is to conduct the nation’s monetary policy by managing short-term interest rates for lending money to banks and financial institutions.

So when the Fed dropped rates to “near zero”, those rates are explicitly for banks and financial institutions who are borrowing the money from the Federal Reserve and then lending out money to you – the consumer. Banks use these lower rate funds for loans like Home Equity Lines of Credit or credit cards – credit that’s meant to be paid off quickly. Before lending it out, the banks and financial institutions have the option to add additional interest – and they likely will. Where’s the good news?

Whether you’re applying for a home loan or you’re looking to refinance your existing home loan, now is the time to act because while rates aren’t zero percent, they are at all-time low – and it won’t last forever. Don’t wait to talk to one of our mortgage bankers to find out if a refinance or pursuit of a home loan would be to your advantage.

I Want to Hear from a Mortgage Banker

Tags: Rates, Refinance, interest rate, Fixed Rate, Housing, mortgage rates, House Buying